World of Gaia Force
Created by Lawrenz Lano
Welcome to the official Gaia Force site.

Latest News (Feb 23, 2025) 

 New:   Gaia Force #6, the conclusion of the six-part story, is now available on Amazon.

                Colour version                    Black and White version                      French                      

 New:  The BW version of Gaia Force #7 and Gaia Force #8 are complete, text and all, but will only be released after the coloured version of Gaia Force #6 has been released.
 New:  Character Jor Dorum has been added.

 New:  Team The Triumvirate has been added.  

 New:  World of Gaia Force Timeline

A Tale of...#3 has been drawn. The art is by Wing Kun. Here is a sample.
Half of the colouring has been done.


A Tale of...#2 is now available on IndyPlanet. The art is by Wing Kun.


About this site

This site contains the most complete information regarding 
Gaia Force as well as its subgroups; Prime ForceShadow Force and Wild Force. It also contains information not yet made public in the novel or the comics to date, which could be viewed as spoilers, though I prefer to see it as rewarding those who actually take the time to learn about my world of heroes.

The pages within this site will also include information about other characters from the World of Gaia Force. 

Note: World of Gaia Force and the New Heroes Database are co-owned. The fact that both sites look similar and have similar content is intentional.


© 2013 Gaia Force by Lawrenz Lano


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