Alien Races

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  Hyper beings


Some members of the Aspekol were chosen to protect their world by The Guardian. Nothing has been revealed about their culture, but they do possess an advanced society. One of their weapon of choice is their "blaster shield", a weapon which is defensive and offensive.

They are an avian species, but have lost the ability to fly.


Place of origin: Undisclosed

Abilities:  Undisclosed

Sexuality: Aspekol are a two sexed species, males and females. The species is oviparous, laying one or two eggs. Males tend to be shades of brown, while females lean to the blue. 

First appearance: The Return of Gaia Force #6


Nothing has been revealed about the Ayadini, except that they are an aquatic species. Because some members were chosen by The Guardianit is safe to assume that they have a scientifically advanced society.


Place of origin: Undisclosed

Abilities:  Undisclosed

Sexuality: Ayadini are a two sexed species, males and females. They are mammalian and give birth to live young. 

First appearance: The Return of Gaia Force #6


Jor Dorum
Members of the Brahashi were chosen by The Guardian as protectors of their world. They have a very scientifically advanced society, and have used these resources to help their world and their people.

The Brahashi seem to be an ancient race, as their physical appearance comprises attributes seemingly unnatural. They possess three halos surrounding their head, and they seem to have no eyes, nose or mouth, indicating that the halos may serve that function. The halos seem to hover around their head, but in reality, are connected by invisible energy filaments.


Place of origin: Baraj Nahal

Abilities:  Their halos give them extrasensory abilities like telepathy and telekinesis.

Sexuality: Undisclosed 

Known Brahashi: Jor Dorum  Par Madan  Saro Ooman

First appearance: The Return of Gaia Force #6

Meckodians (Mecks)

      Meckodian captain/leader                   Meckodian drones                                Meckodian cargo ship

Meckodians are a race of beings who have forgone their organic exterior in favour of a cybernetic one. The only part of their anatomy that remains organic is their brain and heart, both of which are located in their skull. 
Meckodians are hard to kill because most injuries will affect the body, which they can easily replace. To this day, no one really knows what Meckodians really look like, as none have been seen unaltered.

It is safe to assume that their original bodies are humanoid in form, as their mechanical bodies likely reflect.

Type: Extra-terrestrial

Place of origin: Undisclosed

Meckodians can survive in the vacuum of space unprotected.

Meckodians reproduce through artificial means. When, the offspring is developed enough to survive, the brain and heart are removed and placed in a maturation chamber until they are ready to be implanted in a mechanical body.

First appearance:  The Return of Gaia Force #5 


Tillians are a hunter species that have been seen on occasion wandering across Africa, primarily the Congo. These travel through dimensional portals and go on hunting parties when they hunt virtually any type of prey.

Type: Extra-dimensional

Place of origin: Undisclosed

Abilities: Fierce hunters who have achieved a moderate level of technological achievements. They have been seen wielding blaster-like weapons.

Sexuality: Undisclosed


Type: Extra-terrestrial

Place of origin: Shandor

Abilities: Undisclosed, but they seem to be quite strong, as some have fought in the Pan Stellar. What appears to be a helmet with horns is really a part of the skull and made of bone.

Sexuality: Shandorans are a two sexed species, males and females. They are viviparous, giving birth to fully formed young. Unlike males, females have vestigial horns.

Known Shandoran: Challenger

First appearance: The Return of Gaia Force #3


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