Character- Jor Dorum
Jor Dorum

Created by: Lawrenz Lano

First appearance:

Other pictures: 
Jor Dorum by Luis Rivera
Jor Dorum


© 2013 Gaia Force by Lawrenz Lano
Real Name: Jor Dorum
Hair: None
Eyes: None
 6 foot 5 inches
Age: Unknown

Born on: Baraj Nahal
Race/Species: Brahashi
Base of operations: Baraj Nahal
Classification: Guardian

Ethical alliance: Good

When the Guardian came to Baraj Nahal, he had assumed that the world's cries of anguish he had heard, had been caused by the world's populace. It was the way things were, he had learned. Worlds gave rise to life and more often than not, that life eventually smothered and destroyed that which had given them rise. But when he arrived at Baraj Nahal, he found that things were different.

He watched for a time and saw that the world's populace, the Brahashi, had united in an effort to save their world from an inevitable fate.

Long ago, the Brahashi had learned that their world's orbit was slowly drifting, and as time would have it, its orbit was now sending it towards its star, where it would eventually get swallowed up.

The Brahashi could have simply moved to one of the other planets in their system, but their love for their world was too great. They've always believed that their world was a part of them, and that without it, they too would die, so they tried to halt the inevitable.

Their race was old, and their technology was on a scale never seen, thus far, by the Guardian. The inhabitants were using immense gravity generators to counteract their sun's pull, and to try to send their world back on its proper path.

The Guardian called out to the world. He learned that it was suffering, but its anguish was caused by sorrow, not pain. The world's real name was indeed Baraj. Somehow, over the eons, it had learned to communicate its name to its people, and its love for the Brahashi was as strong as their love of it. Baraj's pain came from the sorrow it felt at losing its people.

While the Guardian communicated with Baraj, the Brahashi noticed him, and three came to greet him. The first introduced himself as Jor Dorum, then introduced his two colleagues, Par Madan and Saro Ooman. He said they were the Triumvirate of their world, and their task was to protect it and its people. 

Jor Dorum, seeing the Guardian's grandeur, asked if he could help them accomplish that task.

Doing so would bring harmony back to the system, so the Guardian did so. He also granted them the power to continue their task as guardians of their world.


Telekinesis: The Brahashi's cranial halo is used to perform telekinesis.

Power lift: Jor Dorum's telekinetic ability has been augmented, enabling him to move objects heavier than he can physically lift. He cannot throw them, however.
Psychic blast: 
He can send powerful blasts of psychic energy.

Telepathy: Telepathy is a natural skill the Brahashi have developed due to their lack of mouth.

Space travel: He can travel through the vacuum of space and possesses interplanetary travel capabilities.
Super strength: He possesses super strength, exceeding 500 tons of lift.
Omnilinguilism: Like all guardians, he can communicate with any intelligent life form through guardian speech, an ability that emits messages on multiple frequencies, including the psionic.
Self-sustaining: It is unclear how his species feeds, but all guardians thus far do not need to do so, but can still enjoy the experience.
Enhanced vision: Even though Brahashi lack eyes, their halo allows them to see in various modes.
Extended lifespan: Like all guardians, he can live extremely long.


Curiosities: The Brahashi halos seem to float unconnected to their head. In reality, they are connected by thin energy strands. These halos give them various abilities including extra sensory perceptions.


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