The United Earth Force (UEF) Later known as the UECF (United Earth Colonies Force)

First appearance of UEF: Novel Grey Legacy

The UEF was established in 2013 to defend Earth and its interests without having to rely on Gaia Force. The UEF comprises various nations with the common goal of colonization and exploitation of the solar system's resources.
The UEF is located in Canada.
Nations presently belonging to the UEF : United States, Canada, Russia, China, South Korea and European Union (pending)
Criteria for joining:
Must possess a viable space program
Must contribute a space worthy ship, alien or domestic. Full disclosure of alien technology information
Must follow UEF protocols Uniforms
The uniform consists of navy blue pants and grey jacket, coloured shirt, and shoes. No difference between men and women.
There are four types of uniforms; Command, Medical, Science/Engineering, Security.
The uniforms differ in that they have a different coloured line motif around the collar and epaulettes of the jackets and side lines of the pants. Those being...
Command: Red
Medical: Light Blue
Science/engineering: Gold
Security: Black
Furthermore, the shirts also are of the same colours however, the combination can vary. For instance, Chief Pak who is in command of security wears a security uniform but a command shirt, Chief Desmonts wears an engineering uniform and a command shirt and doctor Dugan wears a medical uniform and a command shirt.
Military ranks are visually differentiated by insignia based on the American Navy Military Ranks.
Other uniform: With the arrival of Nicci, a new post was created, Xeno Consultant. Since this post is still an unofficial UEF post, it is considered a civilian co-ordinate post and as such, no official uniform has been issued. Nicci usually wears a crewman uniform with a security shirt.
© 2013 Gaia Force by Lawrenz Lano