Character- Warbot II
Warbot II

Created by: Lawrenz Lano

First appearance: Novel Grey Legacy 

First comic book appearance: 
The Return of Gaia Force #5

Other appearances:
Gaia Force #6, #7-

Other pictures: 
Warbot II by Luis Rivera

Warbot II


© 2013 Gaia Force by Lawrenz Lano
Real Name: Cardigan 
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
 6 foot 
Age: 35
Born in: Undisclosed Earth colony
Occupation: Cargo ship pilot

Base of operations: Tapek City, Andaleb IV
Classification: Human

Ethical alliance: Good

Cardigan is a cargo pilot who ships all kind of supplies to the Earth colonies of the Shifu system

He frequently stopped at Andaleb IV and became a regular customer of the Rogues' Café. Over time, he became one of Roguestar and Meridian's best friends.

When Roguestar and Meridian decided to reunite Gaia Force, Cardigan volunteered his services as pilot. Upon seeing him, Arkahnus learned that Cardigan, who was supposed to have been a hybrid human, was in fact fully human. As a result, Arkahnus was able to read his whole life experiences, and although he found him to be a flawed man, he also found him to be a good one. Arkahnus decided to give him the Warbot armour, and Cardigan became a member of the New Gaia Force.


Power armor: Wears an armor made from advanced nano/nanite technology. 

Super strength: 75 tons of lift.

Repair factor:  Being made from nano/nanite composite, Warbot's suit repairs itself if it is damaged.

Physical and energy resistance: The suit is resistant to physical and energy attacks. 

Energy blast: The suit's power sources enables Warbot to have unlimited supply of energy pulses. 

Flight: Warbot can reach flight speeds of 100 000 km/hr, (62000 mph) enabling him to attain escape velocity from planets as massive as Neptune.

Limitations: Although the armour can be used in outer space, it contains a limited oxygen supply.


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